Calle Escultor José Luis Sánchez 10
Almansa, Albacete, 02640
Animal Welfare Policy: At Lorens Shoes, we acknowledge the use of animal-derived materials in our footwear, handbag, and belt collections, as well as in our range of accessories, which may occasionally be found within our stores and office locations. We understand the inherent risks to animal welfare associated with sourcing these materials and are dedicated to implementing our Animal Welfare Policy to ensure the well-being of animals within our supply chains.

Vision and Goal: Our vision is to enhance animal welfare across our supply chains by fostering transparency, understanding animal management practices, promoting best practices, and eliminating unacceptable behaviors.When incorporating animal-derived materials into our collections, our goal is to source from animals that have lived quality lives on certified farms or have been hunted in a controlled and respectful manner as part of government wildlife management programs, thereby contributing to ecological balance.

Governance: Responsibility for our Animal Welfare Policy rests with the Senior Leadership Team, with day-to-day oversight by the Product Team. We commit to reporting progress toward our goals annually, reviewing the policy every two years to address emerging issues and update action plans as needed.

Animal Welfare: In addition to adhering to the Five Freedoms, we support the Five Provisions and Welfare Aims, which guide our efforts to promote positive animal welfare experiences and states.

Education: We will raise awareness of animal welfare throughout our business by providing insights into how our animal-derived materials are sourced and the associated welfare risks.

Certified Farms: We prioritize sourcing from farms certified to assurance schemes with animal welfare themes, ensuring adherence to established standards and requirements.

Minimum Requirements: Suppliers must comply with local animal welfare laws and regulations, and we prohibit the use of endangered species in our products. Additionally, we do not accept fetal or newborn lambskin and require suppliers to adhere to our Animal Welfare Policy.

Leather Sourcing: We acknowledge varying levels of risk associated with leather sourcing, with a focus on improving welfare standards in regions with weaker legislation and practices.

Snake/Lizard Leather: We are collaborating with suppliers to establish sourcing policies aligned with best practices and certification standards.

Crocodilian Leather: While not currently sourced, any future crocodilian leather will be obtained from farms certified to recognized standards.

Caveats: We reserve the right to use legacy materials acquired before January 2022, and products manufactured prior to this policy's publication may remain available for sale. Additionally, this policy applies to vertebrates, decapods, and cephalopods recognized as sentient beings.
